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You are currently browsing the war with ID:3 click here to show all wars.
Name | Ongoing | Length | Attackers | Defenders | Total casualties dealt in battles | Daily battle casualtiesww | Attacker attrition casualties | Defender attrition casualties | Attackers' K/D ratio | Check | |
3 | Eordan Holy War against Vels Bacar | Yes | 1646.5.6 - 1697.1.1 | Eordand | Vels Bacar Dolindha Pomvasonn Mocvare Vareynn Bosancovac Trompolere Adbrabohvi Thromshana Stanyrhrada Balgabar Stenurynn Neratica Beggaston West Tipney Plumstead Tellumtir | 303575 Attackers 247993 Defenders 55582 | 16.3546 | 97594 | 5227 | 4.4618 |